Reptile Tears


Hand crafted pendants featuring the shed of my beautiful snake son, Plїskin. Every 3-4 months Plїskin gifts us with a perfect shed as he grows. This shed skin is collected and fitted under glass to display the unique pattern of his scales. These little teardrop shaped pendants are strung on velvet ribbon chokers, to mimic the snug hugs Plїskin gives me!

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Hand crafted pendants featuring the shed of my beautiful snake son, Plїskin. Every 3-4 months Plїskin gifts us with a perfect shed as he grows. This shed skin is collected and fitted under glass to display the unique pattern of his scales. These little teardrop shaped pendants are strung on velvet ribbon chokers, to mimic the snug hugs Plїskin gives me!

Hand crafted pendants featuring the shed of my beautiful snake son, Plїskin. Every 3-4 months Plїskin gifts us with a perfect shed as he grows. This shed skin is collected and fitted under glass to display the unique pattern of his scales. These little teardrop shaped pendants are strung on velvet ribbon chokers, to mimic the snug hugs Plїskin gives me!

Approximate length 35-38cm